小林 彰太郎 1929-2013 CAR GRAPHIC名誉編集長の小林彰太郎は、2013年10月28日に永眠いたしました。ここに生前のご厚誼に深く感謝するとともに、謹んでお知らせ申し上げます。 通夜、ならびに告別式は近親者のみにて執り行ないます。なお、誠に勝手ながら、ご弔問ならびに弔電、ご香典、ご供物、ご供花等は、固くご辞退申し上げます。後日「お別れの会(仮称)」を執り行なう予定ですが、日時・場所などの詳細は未定です。 We regretfully have to inform you that Mr. Shotaro Kobayashi (born November 12th, 1929) passed away early this morning (October 28th, 2013) after a cor pulmonale in his home. Mr. Shotaro Kobayashi, was a founder of CAR GRAPHIC, Japan’s premier monthly automotive magazine, first published in 1962 and widely known and respected as the doyen of Japan’s car journalists. He has been CAR GRAPHIC’s Honorary Editor since 2010 and a friend to many. He was active as an automotive journalist, as an automotive historian and the Chairman of Classic Car Club of Japan until his last moment. A memorial service will be held with his close relatives. Plans for a commemoration are being made and will be announced later. Please join us in offering heartfelt condolences to his wife Mrs. Mariko Kobayashi. Mr. Kobayashi will be missed dearly.